Visit Leader Training - 19th May 9.30 - 1.00 ONLINE

Start date: 19/05/2025 09:30
End date: 19/05/2025 13:00
The Aim of the Course:
Designed for teaching and support staff who lead and assist in the leadership of school parties on educational visits. The course includes an overview of the law associated with visits.

Candidates will gain an understanding of the process of risk management, balancing risk with the benefits of taking the activity. A significant element of the course relates to practical guidance and advice associated with group management and safety in the outdoors.

Visit Leader Training is focused on active risk assessment and group management on educational visits and off-site activities.

This is an OEAP certificated course transferable between employers.

The course covers the identification of relevant significant hazards and the importance of implementing successful control measures including supervision and group management strategies.

The course is offered in support of the leader's role in educational visits and off-site activities. It remains the role of the employer (e.g. head of establishment, senior youth worker or educational visit coordinator) to determine the leader's suitability and competence to undertake a leadership role on any particular visit or venture.

Learning outcomes:
  • The purpose and value of educational visits
  • Current good practice on educational visits
  • Managing risk and practical risk assessment
  • Practical experience in a range of outdoor environments - including by water, lowland country, urban areas, etc.
  • Practical strategies for group control and management in outdoor environments
  • Safe management of pupils using minibuses and other transport

